Whole-Body MRI. MRI is highly sensitive for detection of marrow abnormalities owing to its superior soft tissue contrast. As recognized by the IMWG, WBMRI with ...
It shows similar sensitivity to MRI in the detection of discrete bone lesions and previous reports suggest that PET-CT is less sensitive for the detection of ...
Five different patterns of bone marrow infiltration in multiple myeloma have been identified on MR imaging, including a normal appearing marrow, focal ...
It is the most common primary malignant bone neoplasm in adults. It arises from red marrow due to the monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells ... Myeloma · Osteosclerosing myeloma · Myeloma defining events... · Spine
It can reliably detect tissue hypercellularity with high sensitivity, challenging the use of other procedures or imaging modalities for the management of MM.
MRIs can image early focal lesions in the bone marrow. Because an MRI creates images of soft tissue, it can show small clumps of myeloma in the bone marrow, ...